- A surrogate mother is someone who carries a pregnancy for a couple or individual wanting to have a child. 例句:These could then be fertilised by his partner's sperm and placed into the womb of a surrogate mother. 这些卵子可以由他的伴侣的精子受精,然后由代孕妈妈来培育。
surrogacy 代孕
- the process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth
- the action or state of being a surrogate.例句:She will use the money from her surrogacy to send at least one of her own children to university. 她将用做代孕母亲的钱供至少一个孩子上大学。
- a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office.
- relating to the birth of a child or children by means of surrogacy.
例句:It was as if the public and Congress felt the national peril instinctively and created a surrogate center. 好象公众和国会都本能地感受到国家的生死存亡,因而设立起一个代理中心。
gestational surrogacy 妊娠代孕技术human assisted reproductive technology 人类辅助生殖技术in vitro fertilization 体外受精,人工受精artificial insemination with donor sperm 供精人工授精卫生部在2001年发布《人类辅助生殖技术管理办法》,明确禁止实施gestationalsurrogacy(妊娠代孕技术),也就是说,surrogacy(代孕)在我国不合法,医疗机构和医生不能实施代孕技术。广东省卫生厅决定,暂停广东省human assisted reproductive technology(人类辅助生殖技术)服务机构的审批,同时对已经取得行政许可开展人类辅助生殖技术服务的38所医疗机构进行一次专项检查。重点检查医疗机构是否开展买卖gamet(配子)、zygot(合子)、embryo(胚胎);是否违规实施代孕技术;是否使用不具有《人类sperm bank(精子库)批准证书》机构提供的精子;是否擅自进行sexual selection(性别选择)等违规行为,一经查实,严格按照有关法律法规严肃处理。