想学好英语必须做到一点,如果做不到你永远不可能学好英语..那就是让纯正的英语每天在你耳朵边响着!...其次是心态,如果你认为难的,它就会变的很难,如果你把它想的简单,它就是简单,要相信心态对你学习的影响是巨大的....既然学英语是必然的,逃不了的..为什么还要给自己增加难度呢?...在打开书的时候,就告诉自己英语太简单了。勤奋比任何技巧方法都重要,学英语贵在坚持,所以我给自己定了一个4R的功课:read ,recite ,remember, review 每天不可缺少,因为在课堂上就只有短短的20分钟,剩下的就只有自己的融会贯通了,我个人觉得有三大块要掌握,语感,词汇,还有语法,而且后两者都是建立在前者的基础上的,如果你只是背单词或者学语法,英语只能越来越难。要培养语感有很多途径,可以从简单的开始,见到不会的词就查,也不用死背,一个词多查几遍就慢慢熟悉了,在课堂上与老师多讨论这方面的话题,自然就水到渠成了。这个是长时间的功夫,不能突击的,英语本来就不是突击能学好的,所以我给自己定的目标也是一步一个脚印的前进,希望在学习英语的路途上能和Spiiker携手并进,共同分享互动交流的喜悦。
Dear Matthew:
You have done a great job these days learning with me. You have made remarkable achievements in your speaking and listening. I will be very proud to recommend you as our Star Student of this month.
Here are the good things you did in your current study:
Firstly, you always pay attention to my speaking, and try to imitate and use into your own expressions. Sometimes, you made mistakes, but you never gave up trying.
Secondly, you couldn’t speak in length at the very beginning, but you can follow my suggestions and practise difficult sentences and new words in your spare time. So every time I will know you have learnt several new words and grammar patterns.
Next, I left you many assignments, but you never forgot to finish before the deadline.
Then, you’ve shared a great time with me talking about your life and work in English, even you can not pronounce some new words correctly.
I’m really moved by your hard working and strong self-motivation. Thank you for all your cooperation and please be more confident in English speaking.
I’m looking forward to your better success!