
返回列表 必克英语怎么样_学员LauraChang与您分享:

Lv 7




        每天我会花一个小时预习,预习的内容包括书本、daily topic和每天发生的精彩事情(KC老师一般都会到这个问题),时间主要是花在组织语言上,助教建议让我用英语思维去组织语言,这个虽然挺困难但效果的确很好。第一个月的时候我会觉得很难熬,身边的同学都可以去干自己的事情,去听好的讲座,但我只能学英语(期间确实跟我的一些课程有冲突),所以我会把这个当成一种负担,觉得20分钟怎么这么漫长?我觉得最好的办法就是坚持,现在我已经学到第三个月了,觉得这已经成了我生活的一部分,跟吃饭睡觉没什么两样,其他的什么事情我都会尽量推开。有几次我都忘了时间,是KC老师提醒我我才知道已经到时间了。至于课后最主要的就是听录音,听听老师上课时我没听懂的地方,我发音错误的地方,以及我没有表达好的地方,然后可以重新组织一下语言。写邮件也是很重要的地方,刚开始我是写流水账,虽然每天都写但质量不高。之后我就一周写三次,主要把精力放在质量上。

        几个月下来我不仅口语比以前好多了,也从外教那里学到了很多其他的东西,比如一种组织语言的能力,一种不同于以前的思维方式,不同国家之间的文化••• •••这就足够了,最后再次谢谢Teacher KC, Grace and Steven!

Study Manager点评

Dear Laura:


     It's my honor to be your study advisor. I like your persistance and your attitude about learning English.And I'm glad you take my advice and stick to it. Thinking in English is one of the most difficult thing in English learning, and I'm glad that you're on the track. You have began to talk about complicated topics or issues with teacher and try your best to collect words and make adjustment for that. As we know, the study achievement always depends on your effort.


     I'm happy that we can be good friend through our communications and share something about ourselves. Thank you, Laura.





Dear Laura,

We had another month-long class discussions and I could say that I was able to enjoy everything that we had. We have been through many kinds of situations and moods in class everyday but eveything has gone well in the midst of these circumstances.

Speaking. You have the confidence and somehow clarity in speaking the Language. I could say that you often convey some sort of information when we are having free-talk and it applies your capability to share a thought from informal remarks and topics as well. You utter words or articulate the sounds with good speech modulation. That's very good.

Listening. You did well and you getting better now. That's because of your will to learn and your goal to improve yourself in this field. Sometimes, you have hard time to comprehend and understand some statements or questions but it's just a matter of practice.

Pronunciation. This part is actually very hard to settle and given more focus because most of the time the environment itself is the main reason how we pronounce the words. It only means that you really have to work on this. You just have to do your best.

Vocabulary. Knowing that we have different careers and focus, we often have no time for the other things that we need to learn. As much as possible, you have to memorize the words or expressions that we are learning. This would help you broaden up your ability to know the terms and use them in sentences. It would also help upgrade your knowledge.

Grammar. This requires deep concentration and time to have a good result. I could say that your doing well in making sentences. Even though they are simple, you have to watch-out your sentence construction. It takes time but I believe that you will be able to perfect this aspect soon.

I want you to know that I am very glad for the great progress and improvement that you've shown. You are getting better and there's a great possibility that you may reach your goal to be good in communicating in English.

Thank you very much.


Teacher KC