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Lv 9
IELTS Speaking -- Advanced


I’m delighted to know that the award for this month will be given to me. I’m a sophomore majoring Taxation. It was my desire to improve my oral English drove me to Spiiker. It has already been one year left and right since my 1st contact to Spiiker. And now I’d love to expound my means of learning English.
1st Do dare to speak. I always take this as the principal rule. Only when you share your ideas with others bravely can you find your diffidence be killed. It is not an extreme tough thing to speak out loudly. Do not be afraid of losing your face.
2nd Practice makes perfect. It is a universally acknowledged truth, but seldom of us can follow it and stick to it. Neither can I. So my suggestion is that, try to make the best use of your 20 minutes every day as many a little makes a mickle.
3rd Do not shut your eyes to the vocabulary. Honestly, it is also my weak point. I am not a kind of people who are fond of remembering words. But I can not deny the importance of vocabulary. It can do a great help for you and through which your comprehensive ability on English learning will get a promotion.
Above are the few suggestions I want to share with all of you. Hope you can enjoy it and keep on going everyone.

Study Manager点评

学员Cleo,是在校的大学生,非英语专业,细心地学员,通过分析她学习前后的录音应该能发现,在这段时间的英语学习中,她最大的进步点是什么?对的,就是她说话过程中,流露出来的自信程度。从一开始,是Hanna老师说话的时间占去一节课绝大部分时间,到现在由她能自己来掌握整堂课,自信地表达出自己内心的想法,发音、语速、语调、用词、用句… 都非常值得大家学习。正如她本人所说,一定要大胆地、大声地、勇敢地表达出自己真实的想法,才能取得最大的进步!这点希望所有在Spiiker学习的朋友们,都能铭记,不管自己现在的英语水平怎么样,一定要在一开始就培养自己敢说、敢表达的学习习惯!


Analytical! Confident indeed. Should I say more? When we have our conversations, you’re very cooperative and assertive in our class. You are open for corrections and make sure you remember them by the end of the class. You are always ready for the lessons though there are times that you don’t have the book. I marveled with your confidence of thoughts and openness to discuss all topics under the sun. You interact well with me about personal situations and daily activities. Conversations with you are enjoyable most of the time. Your positive attitude really helped and worked well when analyzing all the details of the corrections and additions made to all your works. Intelligence can be mirrored the kind of discussion we had and for that your level of communication have improved. We never encountered any problems in understanding the details of the topics and all corrections. Thank you so much for the pleasure of having chat with you everyday. You did very well. Congratulations!