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Lv 8
IELTS Speaking -- Advanced

Study Manager点评

Congratulations! I still remember taht Jasmine wasn't confident in sharing her ideas at first. She was a bit hesitant in expressing herself but now, she's very expressive with her thoughts.This girl has been a real hardworking student since she felt comfortable. I admire her dedication to what she does. She never really misses class no matter where and what she does. Truly admirable effort she does to be in the porgram. In time, I know she will go far in achieving her goal.


Jasmine is a very diligent student. She always attends the class well prepared for our lesson. She is always focused in the topic and she takes my corrections and advice positively. It's also nice that she is always applies the lessons that she learned. She is also a very respectful and kind student. I always enjoy teaching her because she's always very honest with her opinions.s She always speaks her mind in class.
By getting an 8 in her IELTS, Jasmine just proved that hard work and diligence help learners to get more than what they are aiming for. Way to go Jasmine!