George已经在spiiker学习快两年了,尽管他工作非常忙,但是从来都没有缺课。 遇到出国出差的情况也最多是停课几天,回国就马上恢复课程,真是非常难得。 他每天都会花时间复习预习每天的课程,特别是话题部分,有时候还会帮我们提一些很好的关于话题的建议,真是非常感谢。 正所谓没有努力就没有收获,George在英语上面巨大的进步,从level 3到level 8都是归功于他不懈的努力。我也相信他的英语会说得越来越流利。 所以,我想告诉大家,学习英语是没有捷径的,一定要像George一样每天不断的坚持学习英语。
HI, George! You have been my student for quite a long time and you never fail to impress me with your wit and knowledge. Moreover, you are a very optimistic student and your confidence is always evident in our conversations. Your perseverance and diligence are your best assets and I commend your effort in our classes. I hope that you will keep on showing your positive attitude and you will never get tired of learning.
You are a smart student and I as your teacher, I am proud of the improvement that you have shown. It is my pleasure to have you as one of my students. I know that you will always be optimistic and persistent in studying. Keep up the great job!