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Lv 8
IELTS Speaking -- Advanced


Hello everyone, I’m Charlotte. I’ve been studying in Spiiker for over 2 months. Although it seems that my study period wasn’t long enough, I still have made a great difference.
I always remember the first time when I was taking the speaking test, talking with a foreign speaker, my tongue was twisted and my mind was blocked, I was too tense to speak even a complete sentense.
At that time, I realized that what I’ve learned all these years was just reading or writing skills, or how to finish a paper. So I decided to practice my speaking skills everyday.
During these 2 months, Ofelia helped me a lot, she’s like a mature friend more than a teacher, when I hear her voice I always feel warm and calm. We talked about the topics and our daily lives, we share our happiness together, and she always points out mistakes I have made during my description. It really helped me a lot.
In addition, my study manager Blanca cares about my study process consistently, she reminds me to review my study recording all the time, especially when I spare myself or when I forget to do that.
After these two months, I'd like to say that even I still couldn't speak like a natural speaker, now it is easy for me to communicate with others in English, using the correct word and proper grammar, giving my opinion in a confident voice and appropriate speed.
In the end, I hope that one day all of us could speak like a natural English speaker , enjoying the pleasure of communication.

Study Manager点评

Congratulation to Charlotte.
Since Charlotte have been studying in spiiker,she always studys hard even though she have many other thing to deal with in her life.I remembered that when she first time had class with her teacher,she had a little nervous.But now,she can communicate with herteacher randomly,just like talking with her friends.I hope that she can keep on studying in the futuer,and I asure that she will more and more excellent!!!!


Hello Charlotte,

Congratulations!!! Spiiker has informed me that you are being recognized for the biggest number of recommendations that you have made to Spiiker. I am truly grateful for that as well.

I consider having you here as a student as a big opportunity for me because you are a very good English language student. I can still remember how nervous you sounded during the time that I gave you an English Level Test, and to have you as my student after that is really great. It makes se so proud hearing how you make conversations now. You have excellent speaking skills. And for you to recommend a lot of people so they can study here too was a truly wonderful thing to do.

I'm looking forward to having endless classes with you. Again, congratulations!
