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Free-Talking(Daily topic)


Awesome! I’m Han, who has had one-year’s classes in Spiiker. And I’m going to graduate from my school in one year. So it’s time for me to hunt for a job. To my surprise, now I have obtained two offers from the world’s top five hundred. Furthermore, one of the offers is from the company I’ve expected for nearly two years. Thanks to spikier, I don’t think I could succeed without its help, because English conversation is really needed during the job interview. And my English skills made me very outstanding among the candidates.
Herein, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Nova who is very patient and has a sweet voice. I think she is the best English teacher I’ve ever met. Every day we talked with each other just like friends, and after each class she always corrected my pronunciation and grammatical mistakes, which did me a lot. At first, I was a kind of nervous. However, Nova could always find solutions to make me feel easy.
Meanwhile, I want to thank Sharon as well. We have talked with each other many times. She gave me a lot of suggestions to improve my spoken English. Attribute to these, we still have a good relationship with each other now.
I believe spikier is a nice choice for anyone who wants to improve English. I have achieved my dream,I hope that you can achieve your dream one day

Study Manager点评

Han 是一个很勤奋的学生。他在读研究生期间,虽然学业繁重,可是他仍然能每天抽出时间锻炼口语。他刚开始口语也不是十分好,词汇量比较缺乏。我知道他每天都会自己抽时间去背单词。后来,他为了测试自己的学习成果,考了一次托业,成绩很好,达到800分以上。从此,更加奠定了Han学习英语的决心。现在研究生毕业了,Han凭借自己出色的英语口语,在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,获得两家世界500强企业的offer,我真是由衷为他感到开心。希望他未来的路越走越好!


I'm thankful that I had given a chance to teach Han here in Spiiker. I remembered when we had our first class that he was quiet reluctant and shy in expressing his point of view. He used simple words in constructing sentences. But, after a few months, he became outspoken. He was also conscious with the vocabulary words and grammar in making sentences. Furthermore, he used complex words and he responded pretty well in every topic that we had discussed. His pronunciation has also improved it is because he is a very hardworking person. Every time we have our lesson, he is eager to learn and he listens to my corrections because he knows that it is for his own amelioration.
I think he really deserves to received an offer from different prestigious companies in China because he did his best to attain it. Besides, I'm also glad that he has been chosen as the best student for this month because I can say that he is a good example to other students to be more persistent and to strive hard to reach their goal in life. In addition, it is also Han's kindness, perseverance and passion in learning English that emboss his confidence as a person. I hope that you won't stop learning and be open to different ideas in order for you to be more successful in life. Congratulations Han!!!