我们中国人常常用“花瓶”和“绣花枕头”来形容那些虚有其表的人,不过这样的形容词如果要说给外国朋友听,他们可不一定能明白。难道外国没有这样的人吗?非也。只是外国人不了解文化背景,无法理解而已。下回跟外国人聊天说到这个话题,你可以用 macaroni (通心粉)这个词,既符合外国文化,又形象生动,保准他们能明白。
Macaroni, the name of pasta in any of various hollow shapes, is now used to describe people who are impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance. It's similar to the English saying "Many a fine dish has nothing on it" or the Chinese idiom "embroidered pillow," which boasts a beautiful cover, but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside.
For example:
- Hey, do you see that guy over there? He is so hot!
- Hope he is not a macaroni person.