条形码的联合发明者、美国工程师乔治·劳雷尔(George Laurer)12月5日去世,享年94岁。
American engineer George Laurer, the co-inventor of the bar code, died on December 5 at the age of 94.
12月10日,据BBC报道,劳雷尔在其美国北卡罗来纳州温德尔(Wendell)的家中去世,葬礼于12月8日举行。On December 10, according to the BBC, Laurel died at his home in Wendell, North Carolina, USA, with a funeral on December 8.
条形码是通用产品代码(Universal Product Code,UPC)的俗称。一个条形码由不同宽度的黑色条纹和12位数字组成,它可以帮助识别商品。IBM设立的纪念网页上,将通用产品代码评价为“革新了世界上几乎每个行业”。Bar code is a common name for Universal Product Code (UPC). A barcode consists of black stripes of different widths and 12 digits, which can help identify goods. The commemorative webpage set up by IBM evaluated the universal product code as "innovating almost every industry in the world."