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12018-06-08 10:06:04


端午节:Dragon Boat Festival

端午节的由来大家都不陌生, 看看英语该怎么解释呢?


Dragon Boat Festival: 端午节,英语直接就是“龙舟节“。说Duanwu Festival大多数外国人不明为何物,而dragon boat许多人却很熟悉,我们稍后说原因

a high level of participation 高参与度

dragon boating: 划龙舟

the origin/backstory of the festival: 端午节的起源、背景

It commemorates the great poet Qu Yuan: 它纪念伟大诗人屈原

Poem: 诗 (一首诗)

Poetry: 诗的总称,比如唐诗, Tang poetry

Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river: 屈原投河自尽

to protest against injustice: 抗议不公

People were afraid that fish would eat his body: 老百姓怕鱼会吃屈原的遗体

So they put food into the river to stop the fish from eating him: 所以投食于河中,希望鱼不要吃屈原





粽子也不例外,不过通常会翻成rice dumpling。

Rice dumpling: 粽子

Commercialized: 商业化的

sticky rice/glutinous rice: 糯米

Zongzi are wrapped in leaves: 粽子外面用粽叶裹着

to stuff a zongzi: 把馅包进粽子里



Make it from scratch!


Jenny had a granny who would hand-make Zongzi at home: Jenny小时候家里的老阿姨会包手工粽子

Diana's dad makes rice dumplings from scratch: Diana爸爸每年也自己动手包粽子

Even in America, he still does it every year: 即使去美国生活20年,Diana爸爸还是坚持这个传统

To do something from scratch: 指从零开始, 一切都自己做

Shanghainese men have a reputation for being handy: 上海男人心灵手巧是出了名的

They are also very sweet and understanding: 上海男人也很贴心

He’s whipped/He’s whipped into shape by his wife: 妻管严

I really miss my dad's hand-made rice dumplings: 我真想念爸爸亲手包的粽子

I’ll have him freeze some for me: 我会让爸爸给我冷冻起来







Diana did dragon boating for a couple years in college: Diana读大学时曾划过两年龙舟

She had some friends in high school who were in the local dragon boat team: 高中的时候,她有几个朋友是当地龙舟队的队员

Dragon boating competitions are sometimes separated by age into youth boat an adult boat: 龙舟比赛有时按年龄分成成人组和少年组

Her college happened to have a dragon boat team: 她的大学正好有龙舟队

Jenny was invited to join a dragon boat team back in college: Jenny读大学时有人想发展她成为龙舟队队员

What do you see in me?: 你看重我哪点?

I don't have the built/physique for it: 我这身板去划龙舟恐怕不够格吧

Diana didn’t know how to pedal at all when she started: 刚开始的时候,Diana一点都不会划

to row a boat: 划小船 (row一般用于指划公园里的那种小船,动作与pedal不同)

rookie/ rookie boater: 新手船员

veteran/ veteran boater: 资深划手



Lake Ontario, which is one of the Great Lakes, is a great spot for dragon boating: 五大湖之一的安大略湖是个划龙舟的好地方

Dragon boating is popular in North America and Australia, even among people of non-Chinese background: 划龙舟在北美和澳洲都广受欢迎,非华裔的民众也积极参加

A drummer would keep the beat: 鼓手会打鼓,控制大家的节奏

Many foreigners would have a canoe or kayak for fitness purpose: 很多外国人会划独木舟或者皮划艇,达到强身健体的目的

Lunar calendar: 农历
